Below you will find events of significance (newest first) when the pool actually found something.

2017-11-15 01:25:58 UTC

The pool found a private key to cb66763cf7fde659869ae7f06884d9a0f879a092 (1KYUv7nSvXx4642TKeuC2SNdTk326uUpFy) as 0x236fb6d5ad1f43. At the time of the find, there were 0.54 BTC on that address. This is #54 of the puzzle transaction.

2017-09-04 16:54:48 UTC

The pool found a private key to 2f4870ef54fa4b048c1365d42594cc7d3d269551 (15K1YKJMiJ4fpesTVUcByoz334rHmknxmT) as 0x180788e47e326c. At the time of the find, there were 0.53 BTC on that address. This is #53 of the puzzle transaction.

2017-04-21 12:50:55 UTC

The pool found a private key to 36af659edbe94453f6344e920d143f1778653ae7 (15z9c9sVpu6fwNiK7dMAFgMYSK4GqsGZim) as 0xefae164cb9e3c. At the time of the find, there were 0.052 BTC on that address. This is #52 of the puzzle transaction.

2017-04-05 02:23:00 UTC

The pool found a private key to ef6419cffd7fad7027994354eb8efae223c2dbe7 (1NpnQyZ7x24ud82b7WiRNvPm6N8bqGQnaS) as 0x75070a1a009d4. At the time of the find, there were 0.051 BTC on that address. This is #51 of the puzzle transaction.

2017-03-30 01:18:00 UTC

The pool found a private key to 7d89ad89cd10a3867b8f6bfc803838fa101b598b (1CSnQ1LnY37rwz8ezJn5xQrCrifZxExpWV) as 0x5e1667c899783. At the time of the find, there were 0.00001 BTC on that address.The funds were transferred to custody at 1Dg1XnH9BLKFf4XrWioYsxDJjSxr996Miq . See the announcement and the modalities of the return of the funds to their rightful owner here.

2017-03-13 10:27:20 GMT

The pool found a private key to de081b76f840e462fa2cdf360173dfaf4a976a47 (1MEzite4ReNuWaL5Ds17ePKt2dCxWEofwk) as 0x22bd43c2e9354. At the time of the find, there were 0 BTC on that address. This is #50 of the puzzle transaction.

2017-02-11 04:32:26 GMT

The pool found a private key to 0d2f533966c6578e1111978ca698f8add7fffdf3 (12CiUhYVTTH33w3SPUBqcpMoqnApAV4WCF) as 0x174176b015f4d. At the time of the find, there were 0 BTC on that address. This is #49 of the puzzle transaction.

2017-01-16 05:20:19 GMT

The pool found a private key to 378e8af588e6433032d0f5fb548431408c4bcb3c (164kvbiwxEq3wfeUWLSdxBuQeAyMhyFe4N) as 0xe09c93a2ec81. At the time of the find, there were 0.0001 BTC on that address.The funds were transferred to custody at 1CTota4HeLLEgg5x5jv5xxp3Rw2SqTdKiW. See the announcement and the modalities of the return of the funds to their rightful owner here.

2016-12-06 19:00:28 GMT

The pool found a private key to 8661cb56d9df0a61f01328b55af7e56a3fe7a2b2 (1DFYhaB2J9q1LLZJWKTnscPWos9VBqDHzv) as 0xade6d7ce3b9b. At the time of the find, there were 0 BTC on that address. This is #48 of the puzzle transaction.

2016-11-03 21:35:04 GMT

The pool found a private key to f828005d41b0f4fed4c8dca3b06011072cfb07d4 (1Pd8VvT49sHKsmqrQiP61RsVwmXCZ6ay7Z) as 0x6cd610b53cba. At the time of the find, there were 0 BTC on that address. This is #47 of the puzzle transaction.

2016-10-20 15:00:00 GMT

A manual revisit of the 38-42 bit search space revealed these private keys

#38: b190e2d40cfdeee2cee072954a2be89e7ba39364 -> 22382facd0
#39: 0b304f2a79a027270276533fe1ed4eff30910876 -> 4b5f8303e9
#40: 95a156cd21b4a69de969eb6716864f4c8b82a82a -> e9ae4933d6
#41: d1562eb37357f9e6fc41cb2359f4d3eda4032329 -> 153869acc5b
#42: 8efb85f9c5b5db2d55973a04128dc7510075ae23 -> 2a221c58d8f
all belonging to the puzzle transaction. A 100 MKeys/s machine was able to cover this in 6 hours. Also this weird pair has been "found" during this effort:
7033bd97579b0105561056fcfc1ddcaa8a04abf0 -> 40000031337
Ask @ryancdotorg about that.

2016-10-18 02:18:42 GMT

The pool found a private key to 9a012260d01c5113df66c8a8438c9f7a1e3d5dac (1F3JRMWudBaj48EhwcHDdpeuy2jwACNxjP) as 0x2ec18388d544. At the time of the find, there were 0 BTC on that address. This is #46 of the puzzle transaction.

2016-10-11 03:00:34 GMT

The pool found a private key to f6cc30532dba44efe592733887f4f74c589c9602 (1PVwqUXrD5phy6gWrqJUrhpsPiBkTnftGg) as 0x22306e3f1a72. At the time of the find, there were 0.007899 BTC on that address.The funds were transferred to custody at 16cFBcM27DGriyvz5i8SLmd8n5ai8hCTEE. See the announcement and the modalities of the return of the funds to their rightful owner here.

2016-10-02 11:23:10 GMT

The pool found a private key to f0225bfc68a6e17e87cd8b5e60ae3be18f120753 (1NtiLNGegHWE3Mp9g2JPkgx6wUg4TW7bbk) as 0x122fca143c05. At the time of the find, there were 0 BTC on that address. This is #45 of the puzzle transaction.

2016-09-30 16:58:13 GMT

The pool found a private key to 80df54e1f612f2fc5bdc05c9d21a83aa8d20791e (1CkR2uS7LmFwc3T2jV8C1BhWb5mQaoxedF) as 0xe02b35a358f. At the time of the find, there were 0 BTC on that address. This is #44 of the puzzle transaction.

2016-09-26 15:37:20 GMT

The pool found a private key to f92044c7924e5525c61207972c253c9fc9f086f7 (1PiFuqGpG8yGM5v6rNHWS3TjsG6awgEGA1) as 0x6bd3b27c591. At the time of the find, there were 0 BTC on that address. This is #43 of the puzzle transaction.